Young Investigator Award 2021

The Young Investigator Award for the year 2021 was presented during the previous annual meeting of the Belgian Working Group of Non Invasive Cardiac Imaging (BWGNICI) on November 12, 2021. The award of € 2500 was given to an individual whose research reflects new and relevant work in the field of non-invasive cardiac imaging.

Winner 2021
The winner of last year's congress was Ruben De Bosscher from KU Leuven with his presentation on the endurance athlete with a reduced ejection fraction.

This award is restricted to investigators of no more than 35 years of age. The work must be original and may have been published in a peer reviewed journal or presented to an international congress during the past 2 years. It must have been performed in a Belgian institution.

Scope and requirements
The purpose of this award is to foster young physicians and research fellows in the field of non-invasive cardiac imaging. The applicants must electronically submit a one page abstract in English, together with a three to five page scientific paper (inclusive of graphs and tables) describing aims, methods and results or a full length manuscript already published. Authors must not submit more than one abstract for this award. It is expected that the work presents original investigations performed by the applicant. This also implies that in case of publication as a full-length paper in a peer-reviewed journal, the applicant should appear as the first author.

A designated panel of the board of the BWGNICI will review all entries (striped form name and identification data) and will accept three abstracts to be presented at the annual meeting of the working group. The submitted papers will be judged on innovativeness, riginality, scientific merit and relevance. The candidates will be informed of the decision of the reviewers before the meeting. If the work is chosen for award consideration, the candidate will be expected to deliver a 15-minute presentation followed by a formal discussion during the meeting.